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Search Results
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A search for 'The Howling' gave the following results:

9 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
38 matches in tracks
  1. The Howling (00:00)
    from Howling, The
  2. The Howling (15:11)
    from Pino Donaggio: Symphonic Suites
  3. The Howling (15:11)
    from Howling, The
  4. The Howling (15:11)
    from Tourist Trap
  5. The Howling (15:11)
    from Piranha
  6. The Howling (15:11)
    from Home Movies
  7. The Howling (00:17)
    from Howling, The
  8. Howling Halls (04:29)
    from Fable II
  9. howling instrumental (02:40)
    from Howling II
  10. howling splatter mix (04:36)
    from Howling II
  11. howling club mix (04:10)
    from Howling II
  12. howling theme (03:07)
    from Howling II
  13. Howling at the Moon (01:03)
    from Lady And The Tramp
  14. Howling Of The Devil (03:10)
    from Aullido Del Diablo, El
  15. Howling Commando's Montage (02:16)
    from Captain America: The First Avenger
  16. Howling Commando's Montage (00:00)
    from Captain America: The First Avenger
  17. Howling Hyacinths / Caught by a Carrot (01:00)
    from Lost In Space
  18. Send Him Howling Back To Hell (02:06)
    from BioShock 2
  19. Send Him Howling Back To Hell (02:07)
    from BioShock 2
  20. Howling at the Moon / Feeling the Tree (01:26)
    from Antonia
Show all 38 matching tracks